Thank you to our sponsors and supporters.



Our Funders

Our Supporters

$1000 and up
Stradivarius $1000 and up
Anonymous (2)
Benefaction Foundation
Séan & Margaret Brosnan
Maxine & John Frecker
Terry Goldie
Tom Gordon & Mary O’Keeffe
Meghan Keating
Alexander Macdonald
Jeannine Maloney & Colin Ryan
Ann McLoughlan
Kevin Morris
Jean Claude Roy
Melissa Saunders
Thomas Smee
John & Darlene Steele
The Lane School of Music
Torys LLP
Sherry and John Mark Wilhite
Anonymous (3)
Emilia Bartellas
Yvonne Earle
Steven Gardiner
Susan Gardiner & Brian Noseworthy
Robert Mellin
George Parsons
Christopher Ryan
Verne & Judy Somers
Steven Wolinetz & Karen Lippold
Anonymous (2)
Mary Chalker
Barbara Clarke
Howard Clase
Alice Collins & Kevin Hogan
Shannie & Frank Duff
Noreen Golfman & Stephen Bornstein
Paul Hollow
Maeve Kelly & Elias Bartellas
Sandra Luscombe
Roger & Marlene Peattie
Calvin & Doris Powell
Deborah Rehner
Eve Roberts
Paul Rice
Up to $249
Doug Angel
Anonymous (4)
Scott Antle
Donna & Peter Ball
Edna Boland & Peter Higham
Olga Broomfield-Richards
Christine Carter & Florian Hoefner
Christopher & Elizabeth Curran
Douglas Dahn & Julia Purcell
Diamond Design
Carolyn Emerson
William Goodridge
Bill Holmes
Karen & David Hood
Stephen Jessome
Kathleen Knowles
John & Catherine Lawton
Jane Liebel
Levina Neal
Kathleen O’Neill
John Crosbie Perlin
Luis Ramirez
David Riche
John Royle
Noel Barret Schuell
L. Ruth Simmons
Kathryn Simonsen
Charlotte Strong
Bruce and Eugenia Sussex
David Thompson
Sylvia & Pearce Vincent
Ruth & Graham Wakeham
Janet C. Gardiner Memorial Fund Donors
Anonymous (3)
Donna & Peter Ball, in memory of Pat Wright
Edna Boland & Peter Higham
Olga Broomfield-Richards
Mary Chalker
Susan Gardiner & Brian Noseworthy, in memory of Christopher Pratt
Levina Neal, in memory of Bruce Neal
John Crosbie Perlin
David Riche
John Royle
Noel Barret Schuell, in memory of Marc Glassman
Kathryn Simonsen, in memory of Pat Wright
Charlotte Strong
Ruth & Graham Wakeham, in memory of David K. Peters
Alumni for Young Artist Fund
Principal Corporate Donor
Torys LLP
Emilia Bartellas
Meghan Keating
The Lane School of Music (Rebecca Lane)
Jeannine Maloney & Colin Ryan
Luis Ramirez
Christopher Ryan
Melissa Saunders